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Writer's picturePastor Jess Scholten

Pastor's Pondering - April 14, 2023

Dear friends -

What I'm pondering today is deep gratitude for all the folks who helped make Holy Week, especially Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter, so special and beautiful. TONS of people helped, and I would very likely miss individuals if I named them all, but a few special groups include:

  • WMA: The Worship, Music, and Arts team is moderated by Chris Hume. Members of this team jumped in for banner changes and Good Friday set up, Lori Jackson arranged for the flowers on Easter, Nicole made our origami promises into the Easter morning garland, and so many details were taken care of. And long before the past week happened, this team spent time creatively planning the services and the layout for the week. Good job, team!

  • A huge thanks to Building and Grounds with a special thanks to Mr. Dan for our Lenten cross signs with the six parts of Matthew 25.

  • To all our lay leaders and folks who said yes helping with readings - thank you! Having a variety of voices as part of each service is an important way we all participate in worship - thanks for saying yes!

  • The choir, and of course, their director, Joyce - Palm Sunday and Easter were even more meaningful because of your leadership and participation - plus, we loved seeing some new additions to the choir this year!

  • AV: We are so very blessed to have Josh at the helm at the AV desk and dedicated volunteers. Is this mic on? Because we want to give you a shout out - thank you!

  • The Bell choir - a big thanks to the River Glen Ringers' director, Brian Gilbert, and all who play in the bell choir and helped bring the bells into worship so magnificently!

  • The kiddos and those who helped lead them in the palm procession and Easter skit - a huge thank you to Pastor Barbara who has stepped in to help keep them part of worship and active in Sunday school.

If I counted individuals, there would be involvement in almost half the church, which is such a beautiful way to be reminded of how we work together as the body of Christ.

To Easter joy,


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